Physoderma Maydis

Physoderma Maydis

Physoderma Maydis

  • Symptoms:
  • Physoderma brown spot lesions occur mainly on the leaf, but may also occur on leaf sheath, stalks, outer ear husks and tassels
  • As disease progresses, small lesions may coalesce to form larger affected areas
  • Look-Alike Diseases:
  • Eyespot disease caused by Aureobasidium zeae can look similar to Physoderma brown spot
  • Eyespot is a leaf disease with small, yellow, mostly round lesions
  • Main difference – lesions of eyespot do not usually occur in the banded pattern across leaf
  • On the leaf blade, young Physoderma lesions can also resemble those caused by rusts, such as early southern rust (see arrow below). A higher magnification lens can help distinguish these diseases
  • Facts on Physoderma Brown Spot:
  • Fungal disease caused by Physoderma maydis
  • Generally of minor importance in the U.S.
  • Localized outbreaks may occur in years when weather favors disease development
  • Disease Cycle:
  • Overwintering fungal structures, sporangia, survive in infected corn tissue or soil
  • Sporangia germinate to produce infective zoospores under conditions of moisture and light
  • With the right conditions of water, light and temperature when leaves are in the whorl, infections often occur on a diurnal cycle
  • Management:
  • Crop rotation, as the fungus survives in infected crop residue
  • STillage to encourage breakdown of crop residue
  • Specific management for this disease is not typically required, as the occurrence is sporadic and the effect on yield should be minimal
  • Pioneer does not rate its hybrids for resistance to this disease

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