Maize, Paddy, Vegetables & Seeds




Hybrid Maize

  • a High yield in less time
  • a Suitable for both Rabi and Kharif season
  • a Semi open, Non lodging
  • a Grain Colour – Orange Yellow
  • a Duration 100 – 110 days in Kharif and 135 – 140 days in Rabi
  • a Comes early to market better price and more profit
  • a Good Shelling
  • a Helps to take up subsequent crop in proper time


Hybrid Maize

  • a Suitable for both Rabi and Kharif season,suitable for high density planting
  • a Big Size Cob with orange yellow semi flint grains and Good filling
  • a Duration 100 – 110 days in Kharif and 135 – 140 days in Rabi
  • a Early Maturity, Good Shelling
  • a Tolerant to stalk rot and lodging

JYOTI (SBS-2222)

Hybrid Maize

  • a Plant is tall with wavy leaf margin
  • a Broad leaf with pubescent leaf seath
  • a Big size Cob with closed mouth
  • a Cob Placement medium and uniform
  • a Silk greenish yellow, turns brown on maturity
  • a Yellow orange, medium bold semi-flint kernel

RITU (SBS-669)

Hybrid Maize

  • a Excellent Double Cross hybrid
  • a Good for green cob
  • a Green cob can be harvested at 60 – 65 day
  • a Has excellent tip filling
  • a Crop duration 85 – 90 days
  • a Very Sweet and tasty
  • a Suitable for both Rainfed and Irrigated

PARUL (SBS – 555)

Hybrid Maize

  • a Suitable for both Rabi and Kharif season
  • a Suitable for high density planting
  • a Open tassel with green glumes and many branches
  • a Big Size Cob with orange and medium bold semi-flint grains
  • a Cob placement medium and uniform with regular row kernel
  • a Early maturity, Kharif — 115 – 125, Rabi 155 – 160 days.
  • a Tolerant to Stalk rot and lodging.




Improved Wheat

  • a Vigorous and heavy tillering, height 85 to 90 cm
  • a Erect with semi spreading habit
  • a Sowing time November and December
  • a Spike emergence 100 days, grains Bold
  • a Yield – Approximately 24 qtls per acre




Hybrid Paddy

  • a Widely adaptable hybrid
  • a Profuse tillering
  • a Duration 135 – 140 days
  • a Medium slender grains
  • a High yielder

SURAJ (HY-171)

Hybrid Paddy

  • a Widely adaptable hybrid
  • a Profuse tillering
  • a Duration 120 – 125 days
  • a Medium slender grains
  • a High yielder, Draught tolerant

JEET (HY-144)

Hybrid Paddy

  • a Hybrid variety
  • a Medium slender grains
  • a Profuse tillering
  • a Duration 135 – 140 days
  • a High yielder


Improved Paddy

  • a Improved Research variety
  • a Fine grain segment
  • a Profuse tillering
  • a Duration 120 – 125 days
  • a High yielder


Improved Paddy

  • a Improved research variety
  • a Duration 130 – 135 days
  • a Bold grain with good cooking quality
  • a Profuse tillering
  • a Wider adaptability

JEET (HY 114)

Hybrid Paddy

  • a Medium duration 135 -140 days
  • a Resistant to Bactrial Leaf Blight
  • a Tillering high -12 to 15
  • a More than 70% milling
  • a Suitable for broadcasting


Improved Paddy

  • a Improved Research variety
  • a Fine grain segment
  • a Profuse tillering
  • a Duration 120 – 125 days
  • a High yielder

RUBY (FR M 112)

Improved Paddy

  • a It is a medium grain rice
  • a Crop duration – 125 to 130 days
  • a Very Good cooking quality




Hybrid Chilli

  • a F1 – Hybrid
  • a Fruit : Dark green, thin, Highly pungent,
  • a Average length 7 – 8 cm
  • a Ideal for fresh market
  • a High yielder


Hybrid Chilli

  • a F1 – Hybrid
  • a Fruit : Upright
  • a Green, small, Highly pungent,
  • a Average length 3 – 5 cm
  • a Ideal for fresh market
  • a High yielder


Hybrid Chilli

  • a F1 – Hybrid
  • a Plant Habit – Bushy, vigorous
  • a Unripe – Green, Ripe – Red
  • a Pericarp Smooth, thick
  • a Fruit Length: 5-6 cm, Fruit width: 1.8 – 2cm
  • a Pungency – Medium to high
  • a Good keeping quality



ASHA (SBS–712)

Hybrid Bell Pepper

  • a Strong Plant, Tall, Short Internodes and Prolific Yield
  • a Bell – thick pericarp, uniform size
  • a Fruit – 11 X 8cm, 140 to 180 gms
  • a Dark green, shiny and attractive


Hybrid Bell Pepper

  • a Plant type – Vigorous, tall and prolific
  • a Fruit – Dark Green Unripe, Red Ripe
  • a Fruit Weight – 200 to 250 gms
  • a Medium Early type


Open Pollinated

  • a Plant habit – Vigorous, Plant Height – 50 to 60 cm
  • a Fruit – Green, turns Red on Maturity, Juicy and tasty
  • a Fruit weight – 180 to 200 gms, Blocky, 3 -4 lobed
  • a Maturity – 75 days
  • a Sowing time – February, March, April




Hybrid Tomato

  • a Mid early maturity.
  • a Indeterminate very firm fruit has long shelf life
  • a Round with red colour
  • a An average weight of 100 – 110 gms
  • a Tolerant to high temperature


Hybrid Tomato

  • a F1 – Hybrid tolerant to TLCV
  • a Fruit : Semi – indeterminate, square round / oval
  • a Average weight 80 – 90 gms / fruit
  • a Ideal for storage and transportation
  • a High yielder


Hybrid Tomato

  • a F1 – Hybrid tolerant to TLCV
  • a Fruit : Indian Desi type, round / oblate shaped
  • a Sweet and sour taste, semi indeterminate type
  • a Has Green shoulders, average weight 80 – 90 gms / fruit
  • a Very high yielder,
  • a Ideal for transportation

SBS – 7575

Hybrid Tomato

  • a Plant – Semi Determinate
  • a Fruit – Oval, 90 -100 gms, deep red, excellent firmness
  • a Maturity – 70 to 75 days
  • a Tolerant to TYLCV


Hybrid Tomato

  • a Plant – Determinate type
  • a Fruit – Square round to oval, 90 – 100 gms, deep red, firm
  • a Maturity – 70 to 75 days
  • a Tolerant to BW and TYLCV




Research Bhindi

  • a Research variety tolerant to YMV
  • a Fruit : Dark green with 5 ridges
  • a High yielder ,long self life, easy to store, good taste
  • a Wider adaptability


Hybrid Bhindi

  • a F1 – Hybrid tolerant to YMV
  • a Fruit : Dark green with 5 ridges, smooth surface,12 – 15 cm long
  • a First picking starts after 45 – 55 days
  • a High yielder, long self life, easy to store and transport
  • a Good taste


Hybrid Bhindi

  • a Tolerant to YMV
  • a Plant Height – 140 to 160 cm
  • a Plant type – Erect, hairy, medium cut leaves
  • a Fruit Colour – Dark green, shiny
  • a Pickings – 20 to 22
  • a Yield – 18 -19 mt per Ha


Improved Bhindi

  • a Selection variety tolerant to YMV
  • a Fruit : Dark green with 5 ridges
  • a High yielder ,long self life, easy to store, good taste
  • a Wider adaptability




Hybrid Brinjal

  • a F1 – Hybrid
  • a Fruit : Deep purple, Big, Green Calyx,average weight 400 – 500 gms / fruit
  • a Plant : Thornless, height 100 – 110 cm, Solitary bearing
  • a Very high yielder with excellent taste
  • a Performs well under organic conditions


Hybrid Brinjal

  • a Purple, long, cylindrical, fruit weighs: 60 – 65 gms,
  • a length 13 – 15 cm, width 3 – 4 cm
  • a Can be grown in rainy season.
  • a High productivity

KARINA G (SBS – 682)

Hybrid Brinjal

  • a Plant Habit – Spreading with many branche
  • a Height – 100 to 105 cm, leaves green, non spiny
  • a Flower – Whitish to purplish
  • a First plucking – 60 to 65 days, Fruit – 90 to 100 gms
  • a Fruiting in clusters of 2 to 3

KAVERI (SBS – 687)

Hybrid Brinjal

  • a Plant Habit – Moderately spreading with many branches
  • a Height – 100 to 105 cm, leaves green, non spiny
  • a Flower – Shiny purple
  • a Fruit light purple coloured, longish oblong
  • a First plucking – 60 to 65 days, Fruit – 90 to 100 gms
  • a Length – 12 to 14 cm

KAVYA (SBS – 688)

Hybrid Brinjal

  • a Plant Habit – Moderately spreading with many branches
  • a Height – 100 to 105 cm, leaves green, non spiny
  • a Flower – Shiny purple
  • a Fruit – Green with white variegated at the bottom, longish egg
  • a First plucking – 40 to 45 days, Fruit – 100 to 150 gms.
  • a Length – 12 to 14 cm


Hybrid Brinjal

  • a Plant – Semi spreading, profuse bearing
  • a Fruit – Oval shape, cluster bearing
  • a Colour – Purple shiny
  • a Fruit weight – 55 – 65 grams
  • a Maturity – 50 to 55 days, Bacterial wilt tolerant
  • a Good keeping quality




Hybrid Ridge Gourd

  • a Hybrid, Late maturing and prolific bearing
  • a Fruits are 20 – 30 cms long uniform strong ridges, Av. weight 150 – 200 gms
  • a First harvest 45 – 50 days from sowing
  • a Fruits ridges are very strong good keeping quality
  • a Major disease resistant


Hybrid Bottle Gourd

  • a F1 – Hybrid
  • a Fruit : Light green, Cylindrical / Bottle shaped 30 – 35 cm long with soft flesh, seed development slow.
  • a First picking 55 – 60 days after sowing
  • a Fruit weight 1 – 1.5 Kg
  • a High yield with vigorous growth
  • a Wider adaptability


Hybrid Bottle Gourd

  • a Vigorous vein and early maturity
  • a Oval Round and slight taper at the neck
  • a Fruit length – 10 to 15 cm, Fruit Girth – 5 to 7.5 cm
  • a Fruit colour – light green, Weight – 400 to 500 gms


Hybrid Bottle Gourd

  • a Vigorous vein and early maturity
  • a Oval Round and slight taper at the neck
  • a Fruit length – 20 to 25 cm, Fruit Girth – 10 to 15 cm
  • a Fruit colour – light green, Weight – 1 to 1.5 kg

KHUSHI (SBS – 817)

Hybrid Bottle Gourd

  • a Plant : Vigorous vines with high fruit set
  • a Fruit: Long and cylindrical 40-45 cm length, attractive dark green color
  • a Blotched rind pattern on fruit surface
  • a Harvesting : 50 – 55 days of seed sowing.
  • a High yield and uniform size fruits.


Hybrid Sponge Gourd

  • a F1-Hybrid (White Seed)
  • a Fruit : Whitish green clour,
  • a 20 – 25 cm long, cylindrical shape
  • a Fruit weight 120 – 130 gms
  • a First picking 40 – 45 days after sowing
  • aVery high yielder


Hybrid Sponge Gourd

  • a F1 – Hybrid
  • a Fruit : Green colour,
  • a 20 – 25 cm long, cylindrical shape
  • a Fruit weight 120 – 130 gms
  • a First picking 40 – 45 days after sowing
  • a Very high yielder


Hybrid Bitter Gourd

  • a F1 – Hybrid
  • a Fruit dark green, spindle shaped with Spines,
  • a length 20 – 25 cm
  • a Average weight 110 – 120 gms
  • a Easy to store, long self life
  • a Ideal for long distance transportation
  • a High yielder


Hybrid Bitter Gourd

  • a Small green spiny fruit,
  • a Fruit length 6.5 – 7.5 cm, width 4 – 5 cm fruit weight : 30 – 40 gms
  • a More production by staking.
  • a Useful in summer and rainy season.
  • a Small size gives it a special significance for stuffing


Hybrid Bitter Gourd

  • a Strong vine, prolific yielder
  • a Maturity – 55 to 60 days
  • a Fruit – 20 to 25 cm, thick spindle
  • a Fruit weight – 160 – 190 gms
  • a Very wide adaptability



AMAN (SBS-444)

Hybrid Cucumber

  • a Fruit are cylindrical, green colour
  • a Length 22 – 25 Cm and weight 200 – 220 gms.
  • a High yielder and suitable for fresh market.
  • a Tolerant to Powdery mildew and Downy mildew

Gaurav (SBS 447)

Hybrid Cucumber

  • a Vigorous plant, dense and dark green foliage, excellent branching
  • a Growing period – May to June, September to October
  • a Fruit – 19 to 22 cm, Diameter – 3.5 to 5cm
  • a Fruit – Good Blotchy Green; 180 to 210 gms
  • a First picking – 40 to 45 days


Hybrid Cucumber

  • a Fruits are cylindrical, green colour with waxy coating
  • a Wax reduces water evaporation and ensures better keeping quality
  • a Length 22 – 25 cm, weight 220 to 250 gms
  • a High Yield, Crispy and suitable for long distance transportation
  • a Tolerant to Powdery Mildew and Downy Mildew



DUKE (SBS-101)

Hybrid Cabbage

  • a Eraly hybrid for spring and summer
  • a Blue green color, compact head
  • a Tolerant to diseases and high temp
  • a Harvest 65 days after transplanting
  • a Very late bursting
  • a Deep green 1.2 – 1.5 Kg weight

GLORY – 70

Hybrid Cauliflower

  • a Matures in 70 days
  • a White colour
  • a 1.5 – 1.7 Kg curd weight
  • a Firm curd
  • a Suitable under 15 – 25 °C

GLORY – 50

Hybrid Cauliflower

  • a Matures in 50 days
  • a Creamy white color
  • a 1.2 Kg curd weight
  • a Firm curd
  • a Suitable under 25 – 35 °C

AMAZE (SBS – 112)

Selection Cabbage

  • a Plant Type – Very Uniform
  • a Harvest – 70 to 75 days after transplant
  • a Head – Round, firm and compact
  • a Weight – 1.5 to 2 kg




Research Knol Khol

  • a Superior Quality, Pure, Open Pollinated.
  • a Plant Type : Dwarf, Short Toped.
  • a Foliage : Medium Green, 5-6 Small Leaves
  • a Knobs : Round, Purple, Crispy, Sweet.
  • a Maturity : After 60 Days From Transplanting.
  • a Sowing Time: September To October (or As Per Your Local Climatic Conditions).
  • a How To Sow : Soil should be mixed with well rotten Cow dung. Raise nursery and transplant 30-35 days old plants at the distance of 1.0 feet between line to line and 9 inches plant to plant.

KAKA (SBS 105)


  • a Plant type – Medium, Good leaf cover
  • a Harvest – 40 to 45 days, Fruit is flat round
  • a Fruit Weight – 300 to 400 gms
  • a Fruit Colour – Greenish; Pithiness – Late
  • a Sowing time – August End

BOGA ( SBS – 114)

Improved Knol Khol

  • a Plant type – Early, medium leaf cover
  • a Harvest – 40 to 45 days, Fruit is flat round
  • a Fruit Weight – 250 to 300 gms
  • a Fruit Colour – Greenish to whitish
  • a Pithiness – Late




Green Pea

  • a 10 grains / pod
  • a Extra sweet
  • a Natural green long and soft pod
  • a Powdery mildew tolerant
  • a High yielder



  • a Plant type – Strong and bushy
  • a First plucking – 40 to 45 days, Shelf life – 7 to 8 days
  • a Attractive, slender, smooth, dark green pod
  • a Pod length – 13 to 15 cm long
  • a Suitable for long distance transport



  • a Plant type – Annual, vigorous climber, Height – 280 to 300 cm;
  • a Thin Branches, trifoliate leaf, smooth and lateral;
  • a Nodes per plant – 14 to 15, Cluster – 48 to 52;
  • a Fruit/Pod – 35 to 50 cm, light green, soft crispy granular texture;
  • a Harvest – Regular after 60 days.



JUMBO Cut to Cut (SBS – 889)

Hybrid Bajra

  • a Plant height is up to 300 cms, tall plant
  • a Broad, long, dark green, rough leaves
  • a Stem- medium thick with high yield
  • a Multi-cut type


Hybrid SSG

  • a Plant 175 to 185 cm, medium thick
  • a Leaf broad and dark green, very juicy
  • a Green fodder yield 350 to 400 qtls per acre
  • a Very high Digestibility




Research Radish

  • a Leaves with entire margin
  • a Marketable 40 – 50 days after sowing
  • a Long Cylindrical
  • a Pure white
  • a 30 – 40 cm length


Hybrid Carrot

  • a Outstanding Nantes type Hybrid
  • a Maturity 70 – 90 days
  • a Root length 15 – 20 cm
  • a Root weight 120 – 160 gms
  • a Deep orange colour


Hybrid Carrot

  • a Kuroda type hybrid
  • a Maturity 70 – 90 days
  • a Root length 15 – 20 cm
  • a Root weight 120 – 160 gms
  • a Deep orange colour


Selection Radish – Palak Patta

  • a Year round sowing except Dec to Feb
  • a Short leaved inward folded margins
  • a Pure White
  • a Uniform length 7-8 inches long, cylindrical, sweet in taste
  • a After 30-50 days from sowing


Selection Radish

  • a Leaves with entire margin
  • a Marketable 40 – 50 days after sowing
  • a Long Cylindrical
  • a Pure white
  • a 30 – 40 cm length

RED RUBY (SBS – 521)

Hybrid Beet Root

  • a Season – All the year round
  • a Shape – Globe, Colour – Deep Read
  • a Zoning – Very Faint, Brix – 8 to 10%
  • a Skin – Very Smooth, thin long tap root
  • a Plant Height – Foliage 30 to 40 cm, green with gloss


Selection Carrot

  • a Asiatic type, self coloured, red in 70 days
  • a Plant height – 100 to 105 cm
  • a Root – Length 28 to 32 cm, long tapering
  • a Minimum pithiness.
  • a Girth 6 – 7 cm





  • a Desi type,
  • a Dark Green leaves with strong aroma
  • a Ready to harvest after 35 – 40 days after
  • a Slow bolting



  • a Multi cut,
  • a Slow bolting
  • a Green leaves with strong aroma
  • a Ready to harvest after 35 – 40 days after sowing


Research Spinach

  • a Multi cut
  • a Soft dark green leaves
  • a Wider adaptability
  • a Fast growing, slow bolting
  • a Rich in minerals




Hybrid Pumpkin

  • a Plant – Highly vigorous and profuse branching
  • a Fruit – Flat round, Flesh – Yellowish orange
  • a Fruit Colour -Varigated Green at immaturity, dull orange at maturity
  • a Maturity – 90 to 100 days, Fruit Size – 5 to 6 kgs
  • a Yield – 30 to 40 MT

BAHAR (SBS – 217)

Hybrid Pumpkin

  • a Plant – Highly vigorous and profuse branching
  • a Fruit – Flat round, Flesh – Creamish orange
  • a Fruit Colour – Varigated Green at immaturity, orange at maturity
  • a Flower and fruit at every node, Fruit Size – 2 to 3 kgs
  • a Yield – 30 to 40 MT

ARMAN (SBS – 213)

Hybrid Pumpkin

  • a Plant – Highly vigorous and profuse branching
  • a ruit – Flat round, Flesh – Yellowish orange
  • a ruit Colour – Dark Green at immaturity, dull orange at maturity
  • a Maturity – 90 to 100 days, Fruit Size – 4 to 5 kgs
  • a Yield – 30 to 40 MT




Hybrid Water Melon

  • a A vigorous, strong vine hybrid
  • a Fruits are oval round light green, dark stripe & Av. weight 10 – 11 Kg
  • a Deep red flesh, very sweet or crispy
  • a Mature fruits can be harvest 80 – 85 days after sowing
  • a Excellent shipping quality & long shelf life
  • a Tolerant to Anthracnose, Downey Mildew

(SBS – 511)

Hybrid Water Melon

  • a Early maturity
  • a Fruit are oval shape & Av. Weight 3 – 4kg
  • a Sugar content is about 13% TSS
  • a Good for hot climate
  • a Recommended for long transportation
  • a Dark green fruit with red flesh