
Major Diseases in Rice

Definitions Sheath Blight: Sheath blight is a fungal disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Symptoms are usually observed from tillering to milk stage in a rice crop. It occurs throughout the rice-growing areas in temperate, subtropical, and tropical countries. Rice sheath blight is found in all rice production areas, and is decreasing rice production especially in intensified production systems. Studies at IRRI showed that sheath blight [...]

Posted by: admin_seed Category: Paddy Comments: 0

Diseases of Cabbage

Black leg: Phoma lingam Symptoms: It is caused by Phoma lingam and occurs in most regions, specially in areas with rainfall during the growing period. The fungus is carried by the seed and hence it may occur from the early stage. Stem of the affected plant when split vertically, shows severe black discoloration of sap stream. Whole root system decays from bottom upwards. Frequently, the [...]

Posted by: admin_seed Category: Cabbage Comments: 0

Beans Technical

Description The common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, is an herbaceous annual plant in the family Fabaceae which is grown as a pulse and green vegetable. The common bean can be bushy, vine-like or climbing depending on the variety being grown. The leaves grow alternately on the stems, are green or purple in color and are divided into 3 oval leaflets with smooth edges. The leaves can grow [...]

Posted by: admin_seed Category: Beans Comments: 0