About Us

International meltdown and worldwide economic recession has been witnessed in the past and does not seem to be one off case. Agriculture market has gone astray many a times in last few decades leading to violence also, in many developing countries. India too has a high population pressure on land. Natural resources and bio-diversity is under stress. Prices of food grains have skyrocketed.

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Knowledge Centre

Integrated Pest Management strategies

The following Good Agricultural Practices should be adopted for... read more

Corn Production

Summary: Corn is more often deficient in zinc than... read more

Troubleshooting Corn

Magnesium, an Essential Plant Nutrient Mobile within the plant Critical... read more

Corn Nutrient Deficiency

Phsoderma maydes Healthy Leaf: Healthy leaves shine with a rich... read more

Physoderma Maydis

Physoderma Maydis Symptoms: Physoderma brown spot lesions occur mainly on... read more

Diplodia Stalk Rot

Symptoms of Diplodia Stalk Rot Symptom: Diplodia stalk rot... read more

Banana Diseases

Erwinia rot: Erwinia carotovora sub sp. carovora Symptom: This disease is more... read more

Tomato Pith Necrosis

Symptoms Foliar symptoms of pith necrosis are similar to early bacterial canker... read more
