Knowledge Zone


Pink Stem Borer

Pests of MAIZE

  1. Pink Stem Borer (Sesamia inference)
  2. Cornworm/Earworm (Helicoverpa armigera)
  3. Stem Borer (Chilo partellus)
  4. Aphids (Rhopalosiphum maidis)

Gundhy Bug

Pests of PADDY

  1. Stem Borer (Scirpophaga incertulas)
  2. Leaf folder (Nymphula depunctalis)
  3. BPH (Nilaparvata lugens)
  4. Gundhy Bug (Leptocorisa acuta)
  5. Green Leaf Hopper (Nephotettix sp.)
  6. Zigzag Hopper
  7. Rice Hispa

Two spotted Mite

Pests of TOMATO

  1. Thrips
  2. Mites
    1. Two spotted Mites
    2. Red Spider mites
  3. Caterpillar pest
    1. Spodoptera sp.
    2. Heliothis sp.
    3. Tobacco Horn worm
    4. Tichopulsia ni.
  4. Leaf Hopper (Emposca sp.)
  5. White Fly (Bemisia sp.)

Red Spider Mite

Pests of CHILLI

  1. Thrips
  2. Mites
    1. Two spotted Mites
    2. Red Spider mites
  3. Caterpillar pest
    1. Spodoptera sp.
    2. Heliothis sp.
    3. Tobacco Horn worm
    4. Tichopulsia ni.
  4. Leaf Hopper (Emposca sp.)
  5. White Fly (Bemisia sp.)

Fruit Shoot Borer

Pests of BRINJAL

  1. Mites
    1. Two spotted Mites (Tetranychus urticae)
    2. Red Spider mites (Tetranychus cinnabarinus)
  2. Fruit Shoot Borer (Leucinodes orbonalis)
  3. Jassids (Amrasca biguttula biguttula)
  4. Leaf Eating Beetle (Epilachana vigintioctopunctata)
  5. Leaf roller (Eublemma olivacea)
  6. Mealy Bug (Centrocccus insolitus)
  7. Root Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne sp.)


Pests of GOURDS

  1. Fruit fly (Batrocera cucurbitae)
  2. Thrips (Thrips palmi)
  3. Whiteflies (Bemisia tabacii)
  4. Aphid (Aphis gossypii)
  5. Leaf miner (Lyriomyza trifolii)
  6. Red spider mites (Tetranychus sp.)

Mealy Bug

Pests of OKRA / BHINDI

  1. Shoot and Fruit Borer (Earais vittella, Earais insulana)
  2. Fruit Borer (Heliothis armigera)
  3. Blister Beetle (Mylabris pustulatus)
  4. Laef Hopper (Amrasca biguttula biguttula)
  5. White Fly (Bemesia tabacii)
  6. Aphids (Aphis gosypii)
  7. Mealy Bug (Peinacoccus solenopsis)
  8. Red Cotton Bug (Dysdercus koenigii)
  9. Red Spider Mites (Tetranychus sp.)
  10. Root Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne sp.)

Fruit Borer

Pests of BEANS

  1. Aphids (Aphis carasccivora)
  2. Army Worm (Spodoptera exigua)
  3. Coen Earworm (Helicoverpa zea)
  4. Cut Worm (Agrotis sp.)
  5. Leaf Miner (Lyriomyza sp.)
  6. Looper (Trichopulsia ni)
  7. Two Spotted Mites (Tetranychus urticae)



  1. Aphids
  2. Beetles
  3. White Fly
  4. Thrips

Cabbage Looper


  1. Beet Army Worm (Spodoptera exegua)
  2. Cabbage Looper (Trichopulsia ni)
  3. Diamond Back Moth (Plutella xylostella)
  4. Cut Worm (Agrotis sp.)
  5. Root Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne sp.)


Stock Rot of Maize

Diseases of MAIZE

  1. Stock Rot of Maize
    1. Fungal Pathogen–
      1. Psudomonas sp.
      2. Enterobacter sp.
      3. Erwinia sp.
    2. Fungal Pathogen–
      1. Colletotrichum graminicola
      2. Phsoderma maydes
      3. Diplodia maydes
      4. Fusarium sp.
      5. Pythium sp.
      6. Rhizoctonia sp.
  2. Downy Mildew
  3. Bacterial Leaf Spot (Xanthomonas campestris)
  4. Leaf spot is caused by various fungus also.

Seath Blight

Diseases of PADDY

  1. Rice Blast (Pyricularia oryzae)
  2. Seath Blight (Rhizoctonia solani)
  3. Bacterial Leaf Blight (Xanthomonas oryzae)
  4. Sheath Rot (Sarocladium oryzae)
  5. False smut (Ustilaginoidea virens)
  6. Brown spot of Rice (Helminthosporium oryzae)

Late Blight

Diseases of TOMATO

  1. 1. Damping off (Pythium sp., Rhozoctonia sp.)
  2. Bacterial Stem and Fruit Canker
  3. Early Blight (Alternaria solani)
  4. Late Blight (Phytopthora sp.)
  5. Bacterial wilt
  6. Anthracnose (Colletotrichum sp.)
  7. Powdery Mildew
  8. Leaf Curl Virus
  9. Mosaic
  10. Fusarium wilt

Leaf Curl Virus

Diseases of CHILLI

  1. Damping off (Pythium sp., Rhizoctonia sp.)
  2. Powdery Mildew (Leveillula taurica)
  3. Bacterial Leaf Spot (Xanthomonas sp.)
  4. Fruit rot and Die back (Colletrotricum capsici)
  5. Circospora leaf spot
  6. Leaf Curl Virus
  7. Mosaic viruses

Circospora leaf Spot

Diseases of Brinjal

  1. Damping off (Pythium sp., Rhizoctonia sp., Phytopthors sp.)
  2. Circospora leaf Spot
  3. TMV
  4. Phomopsis fruit rot

Powdery Mildew

Diseases of OKRA / BHINDI

  1. YVMV
  2. Powdery Mildew(Erysiphe cichoracearum)
  3. Circospora Leaf Spot

Black Rot

Diseases of CABBAGE

  1. Root Rot (Rhizoctonia solani)
  2. Downy Mildew
  3. Powdery Mildew
  4. Damping off
  5. Black spot (Alternaria sp.)
  6. Black Rot (Xanthomonas campestris)

Damping Off


  1. Root Rot (Rhizoctonia solani)
  2. Downy Mildew
  3. Powdery Mildew
  4. Damping off
  5. Black spot (Alternaria sp.)
  6. Black Rot (Xanthomonas campestris)